3 January 2015
Have you heard of these gardens? The Nancy Moss Fine Native Azalea Garden, The Josephine Hooker Shain Mountain Laurel Garden, The Lincoln and Lillian Dauby Gries Conifer Collection, as well as The Edgerton and Stengel Wildflower Garden... Join Glenn Dreyer, Arboretum Director of The Connecticut College Arboretum as he regales the Rhododendron Society of Connecticut with pictures and descriptions of the Connecticut College Arboretum.
Join us on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015 @ 7pm for refreshments, tea or coffee. (7:30 begins the Meeting, then our speaker) Our meeting location is the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, located at 153 Cook Hill Road in Windsor, CT.
Mr. Dreyer is also an adjunct professor of botany and the executive director of the Goodwin-Niering Center for the Environment.
Special Collections & Gardens