26 March 2015

Foragers....  Permaculture enthusiasts.... Here's your chance to have quality plants to harvest in your own yard or property.  The number of edibles in the catalog is remarkable... Fiddleheads (Ostrich Fern), and other forage plants & of course a few traditional edibles...   Hazelnut, Elderberry, Red Currant, Raspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry & French Tarragon.    Herbals also...  St Johns Wort, Sweet Gale, Sweet Pepperbush, WitchHazel,

Bunchberry (featured below) is one of the plants we have on our pre-order plant list.... Send in your order today... e-mail order to: Orders are to be in today.... and go to North Central District.

Bunchberry Brunch | Eat The Weeds and other things, too

3 March 2017
Hardy Plant Society of New England  Connecticut Chapter

Hardy Plant Society of New England Connecticut Chapter

Tomorrow... Don't miss it!!!  Fantastic speakers  & SOUPS !!!

30 January 2017
Native Plant Gal

Native Plant Gal

Help Native Plant Gal out...  Take her native plant survey...

3 October 2016

Pan's Acres Nursery, LLC shared Connecticut College Arboretum's event.

3 October 2016

Pan's Acres Nursery, LLC shared Connecticut College Arboretum's event.

28 September 2016

Pan's Acres Nursery, LLC shared Eden's Natives Nursery's event.

29 June 2016

Even though we are not in business anymore, I would like to leave this Facebook page open for folks to share any green plant stories or events that they would like to share.. thank you, Denise Ciastko.

1 June 2016

This past spring my native plant nursery, Pan's Acres Nursery LLC closed it's doors.  However a very large new door opened  simultaneously in Vermont, where I am currently working. The Nursery has a great reputation, Dan Redondo is a fantastic and...  

Vermont Wetland Plant Supply, LLC

27 April 2016

Here is a chance to hear Pamm Cooper as she shows us what plants to use to attract pollinators to our garden.... Tonight... Wethersfield, Connecticut...
So... what pollinators do you want?
Native bees to increase your crop yield? Learn more about...  


Pan's Acres Nursery, LLC

7 March 2016

Giving away Nursery pots, 1, 2, 3, 5,7,10,15 gallons! just call !!

26 October 2015
Bat Conservation International

Bat Conservation International

Cute !!